The Story

The story of the creation of “Emet” has always been a highly debatable subject. The matter of Truth embodies endless opinions and beliefs, yet, the fact that there is only One Truth is undisputed.


The creation is a physical entity, moreover, it is a combination of cosmic energies which can be explained by scientific proof, and can be measured by a mathematical algorithm. In a world where the language of mathematics and the measures of science play a big role, momentous ideas are formed, but what happens when the mystics cannot be explained?


Is reality just cosmic, is it solely physical, or is there more to this than meets the eye? The acknowledgment of numerous theories justifies the fact that besides the One Truth, everything else is just opinions and ultimately everyone knows nothing.


The human conscious constantly requires rationalism, therefore feelings are often scientifically explained. Modern new age theorists believe that emotions such as love and hate can be scientifically analysed by monitoring energy between organs such as the brain and heart in the body mechanism. As a result, thoughts have a direct impact on feelings and feelings are a consequence of thoughts. Conversely, the psychological viewpoint, dictates that everything that is happening reflects the past. This approach tends to analyse reality based on the idea that the mind, body and spirit is an evolution of specific stages of growth that often defines the individual.


How do we know what is the ultimate One Truth in a world of perpetual opinions?  In a world where technology is ever changing, what is believed to be true today may not be the truth tomorrow. It is often trusted to rely on ancient wisdom, and in order to do that, it is required to delve far back in time. It is fundamental that science and mysticism agree with one another. This should be a harmonious relationship with each view dependent on the other to grow and develop. If science and mysticism cannot coexist then each view or thought needs to be re-evaluated.


The Truth has many versions, at times it consists of lies and deceptions and is very often distorted. And yet there is only One Truth. Since the Truth is not perfect, everyone can agree that it constantly needs to be repaired.

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